Agile methods aim to overcome usability barriers in traditional development, but pose new threats to user experience quality. By modifying Agile approaches, however, many companies have realized the benefits without the pain.
Agile methods aim to overcome usability barriers in traditional development, but pose new threats to user experience quality. By modifying Agile approaches, however, many companies have realized the benefits without the pain.
Kenneth Falck:
Itselleni ehkä parasta antia olivat tuotesuositusten taustalla olevat ihmisten mieltymysten samankaltaisuutta mittaavat algoritmit, joiden pohjana on yleensä euklidinen etäisyys tai Pearsonin korrelaatio. Oli mielenkiintoista huomata, että nämä muutamat yhteiset peruskaavat ovat monen eri algoritmin perustana. En ollut myöskään koskaan itse oivaltanut, että ihmisten tai tuotteiden samankaltaisuutta voisi mitata geometrisilla etäisyyksillä.
I don't think I've ever been as conflicted about something as I am about the iTunes App Store. There are so many intersections at which it is both the best and worst at the same time that I'm having an incredibly hard time sorting out how I feel about it.