Steve Souders:
This was my review of what happened in 2008 with regard to web performance, and my predictions and hopes for what we’ll see in 2009.
Steve Souders:
This was my review of what happened in 2008 with regard to web performance, and my predictions and hopes for what we’ll see in 2009.
Esimerkiksi Nokia on kestävän kehityksen asialla sivulla Green Explorer, joka pitää tämän koneen tämän selaimen kuorman 15-20 prosentissa, vaikka mitään ei tapahdu. Jaa, liikkuvathan nuo Flash-taustan pilvet.
Brent Simmons:
The thing is, web developers should test their pages for CPU usage the same as app developers do. And anytime a page is idle, CPU usage should be at 0%. Same as with any other app.
Olisinpa lukenut tämän kolme vuotta sitten, niin olisi jäänyt NOLOCKin kanssa kikkailu vähemmälle.
The new Read Committed and Snapshot Isolation levels give us greater control of SQL locking. This new control may lead to a performance increase for some read intensive databases.
No älä:
I'm a little disappointed that SQL Server treats our silly little web app like it's a banking application. I think it's incredibly telling that a Google search for SQL Server deadlocks returns nearly twice the results of a query for MySql deadlocks. I'm guessing that MySQL, which grew up on web apps, is much less pessimistic out of the box than SQL Server.