We advocate using CSS whenever possible, and we often successed. Modern browsers have very good support for CSS — it’s certainly good enough for you to use CSS to control layout and presentation. Sometimes however, certain page elements will appear differently in different browsers.
Blackbird – Open Source JavaScript Logging Utility
Blackbird offers a dead-simple way to log messages in JavaScript and an attractive console to view and filter them. You might never use alert() again.
jQuery and Microsoft
Scott Guthrie:
I'm excited today to announce that Microsoft will be shipping jQuery with Visual Studio going forward. We will distribute the jQuery JavaScript library as-is, and will not be forking or changing the source from the main jQuery branch.
CSS Sprites2 – It’s JavaScript Time
En oikein tajunnut mitä tällä oli tekemistä CSS-spritejen kanssa. Koodi vaikutti ainakin pikavilkaisulta huonolle. Hyvä vaihtoehto ”elämyksellliselle” Flash-navigaatiolle varmasti kuitenkin.
Chain.js – Data Binding Service for jQuery
Chain.js is a jQuery plugin, providing data-binding capability that allows you to generate web contents automatically by binding your data to html. Unlike other data-binding frameworks and library, it uses pure DOM, instead of string-based innerHTML approach, so event binding won’t gone during rendering.