– Haluamme todistaa sen, että avaamme sisältöjämme mahdollisimman monipuolisesti eri käyttäjäryhmille, Ylen uusien palvelujen päällikkö Jari Lahti sanoo tiedotteessa.
LazyWeb Request: iPhone Power Miser
With the above app, the process of going from power-sucking battery-hog to power-conserving battery-miser would take one-click. Without the above app, here’s what it takes: — — 15 steps! That is crazy.
Conflicted about the iTunes App Store
I don't think I've ever been as conflicted about something as I am about the iTunes App Store. There are so many intersections at which it is both the best and worst at the same time that I'm having an incredibly hard time sorting out how I feel about it.
Lindén arvostelee Iphonen liittymäpakkoa
Joskus se puhuu asiaakin.
Lindénin mukaan on mahdollista, että pelkän kytkysopimuksen tarjoaminen kielletään lailla. ”Jos tämä trendi yleistyy, niin varmasti siihen puututaan”, hän sanoo lehden haastattelussa.
Apple Reviews NetShare; Permanent Ban Likely
“They're shooting themselves in the foot these days; they're probably just understaffed,” Dan said. “We'll see how it goes. Hopefully they don't get too much of the bad press and it doesn't ruin the iPhone, because I want to develop for it.”