Okei, se *todella* on wanha:
Internet Explorer 6 will be SEVEN years old on August 27th. It came out a few weeks before the Twin Towers fell. It came out before the Nintendo GameCube. It came out before the first iPod.
Via Josku.
Okei, se *todella* on wanha:
Internet Explorer 6 will be SEVEN years old on August 27th. It came out a few weeks before the Twin Towers fell. It came out before the Nintendo GameCube. It came out before the first iPod.
Via Josku.
En oikein tajunnut mitä tällä oli tekemistä CSS-spritejen kanssa. Koodi vaikutti ainakin pikavilkaisulta huonolle. Hyvä vaihtoehto ”elämyksellliselle” Flash-navigaatiolle varmasti kuitenkin.
Our version of the plugin not only generates a jQuery slider component, but also extends its functionality and accessibility in many ways:
Tämähän oli poikkeuksellisen mainio lista:
Many web forms are broken, usability-wise. Knowing these problems can make you avoid them when you design your own web forms, so here are some recurring usability pitfalls.
Olisinpa lukenut tämän kolme vuotta sitten, niin olisi jäänyt NOLOCKin kanssa kikkailu vähemmälle.
The new Read Committed and Snapshot Isolation levels give us greater control of SQL locking. This new control may lead to a performance increase for some read intensive databases.